Introduction to Post-Quantum Cybersecurity Hands-on Workshop for Infosec Professionals

Introduction to Post-Quantum Cybersecurity Hands-on Workshop for Infosec Professionals
Tuesday, April 29, 2025 (9:00 AM - 4:30 PM) (PDT)
The information and communication technologies sector are set to be disrupted by rapid advances in quantum computing and communications in coming years. Starting from advances in computing and networking resulting from quantum technologies, learners will be introduced to threats and opportunities for cybersecurity. Learners will understand the Canadian national quantum readiness strategies, connect with peers, experts, and solutions in this space, and acquire the resources, strategies, and tools to prepare their organizations. Learners will take away a formulated action plan, outlining tangible steps that can be implemented now, as well as ways to keep up to date with future changes.
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3800 Finnerty Road Victoria BC V8P 5C2 Canada
Victoria, BC V8P 5C2 Canada
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