Trade Accelerator Program - Vancouver Island & Coast Region

Trade Accelerator Program - Vancouver Island & Coast Region
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
World Trade Centre Vancouver invites you to participate in the Vancouver Island & Coast Region Cohort of the Trade Accelerator Program (TAP)!
New trade agreements and a competitive Canadian dollar make it an ideal time to extend your company's reach through the export of goods and services.
World Trade Centre Vancouver has successfully delivered Canada's Trade Accelerator Program (TAP), in B.C. since 2017.
The Trade Accelerator Program is designed to help SMEs TAP into their full export potential. It has a proven track record helping participants get results.
Just six months after graduating from the program:
- On average, export revenue increased by 23%
- Participants forecast their export sales to grow 47% over the next 5 years
By enrolling in TAP Canada you can:
- Navigate complexities of the global trade ecosystem
- Leverage Canada's deep trade and investment resources
- Access tailored, face-to-face coaching and advice
- Learn about international best practices
- Accelerate export readiness
- Develop and implement a new market entry plan
- Expand your global trade footprint and increase revenue
Register HERE.
Graduate Testimonials:
A growing number of SMEs have benefitted from the program in B.C.
Listen to what graduates have to say about the program HERE.
The Trade Accelerator Program puts fuel on the fire of entrepreneurship. The things you learn are not "nice-to-do" they are "must-do". I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to take their export game to the next level.
Dan Wainwright
President, PACRIM Distributors — TAP B.C. Graduate
721 Government Street
Victoria, BC V8W 15W Canada
Workshop Days: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Mentorship Days: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
This program requires you to attend all five sessions.
Workshop Days – in person
1. June 01
2. June 02
2. June 03
Mentorship Days – virtual
4. July 12
5. July 13
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All event submissions are subject to approval by VIATEC and must meet the following criteria:
- Events must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance.
- A contact person with details must be provided.
- On this event listing, include bullet points outlining "What you’ll learn" or "What will be discussed."
- The event must benefit the local tech business sector.
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