Streamlining Employee Onboarding (Virtual Workshop)
Streamlining Employee Onboarding (Virtual Workshop)
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 (9:30 AM - 12:30 PM) (PDT)
Do you ever feel like your job posting should say: “Looking for our next star employee – must be willing to get no training and be thrown into the deep end on day one. Apply here!”
You’re not alone! Most of us put a lot of effort into recruitment, investing time, energy, and attention into getting the right people in the right roles. But with all that energy spent on hiring, onboarding new employees often falls by the wayside. Make the most of your team members’ first few months with a well-planned, easy-to-execute onboarding process that sets everyone up for long-term success.
Whether your new hire is starting in-person or will be joining your team virtually, this workshop will share the best practices and essential components of a rock-solid onboarding process worthy of your organization and your new hire!
This is an Elective Core course in The Art of HR Certificate Program.
The event will take place from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (PDT) on
- Wednesday, October 11th
- Friday, October 13th
Register here until Monday, October 9, 2023 at 11:59 pm.
Victoria, BC
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