2023 VIATEC Community Awards

2023 VIATEC Community Awards
Thursday, November 30, 2023 (5:00 PM - 10:00 PM) (PST)
The VIATEC Community Awards will take place November 30th in Carson Hall at the Victoria Conference Centre, 720 Douglas Street.
For over 22 years, the event has been produced by VIATEC, Victoria’s tech industry association, and known as the VIATEC Awards. The Gala has been a great success and considered a favourite event within the tech community and visiting guests alike.
Building on this success, VIATEC has engaged with other local tech-focused organizations to gain insights into how the event can most meaningfully evolve. These organizations include:
- iWIST (Island Women in Science and Technology)
- The Coast Capital Innovation Centre (UVic’s on-campus venture incubator)
- CIN (Capital Investment Network)
- Women’s Equity Lab
- Alacrity Canada
The awards brings the tech community together to connect with each other and take a moment to spotlight and celebrate some of the year’s most notable companies and individuals within Victoria’s $4 billion tech sector. This year the coalition is aiming to increase inclusivity and ensure that the broader tech community knows that they ‘belong’ even if they are not ‘members’ of one organization or another. Any Victoria tech company is welcome to nominate.
The coalition worked together to update and refine the award categories and recipients will now be chosen by either a panel of delegates from the coalition or audience polling at the event itself.
Join us for an evening of rocket-fuelled entertainment, celebration, networking and more fun than grown-ups are used to!
Theme: Costume Masquerade Ball
- 5:00-6:00 pm - Welcome, Networking and table seating
- 6:00 - Creative Challenge and Dinner
- 7:00 pm - Awards show begins
Questions about registration, guests or more? See our FAQ Page
See our 2022 Recipients
*Ask us about sponsorships opportunities*
Please contact Anna anna@viatec.ca for more info
Anchor Company of the Year (30+)
Innovative Excellence - Software/Digital
Social Impact Award
Emerging Leader of the Year
Innovative Excellence - Hardware
Live Vote Sponsor
Photobooth Sponsor
Janet Baird Award for Community Champion
Employer of the Year
The Colin Lennox Award for Technology Champion
Inclusion Champion
Startup of the Year
Growth Company of the Year
Scale Company of the Year (11-29)
Leader of the Year
Product of the Year
Creative Challenge
Ticket pricing
EARLY BIRD - $175 or $1500 per table (10 seats)
SUPER SAVER - $200 or $1750 per table
LAST CHANCE DEAL - $250 or $2250 per table
REGULAR PRICE - $300 or $2500 per table
* Login to receive your membership discount
720 Douglas Street
Victoria, BC V8W 3M7
Events are a key way for VIATEC to support our members—by sharing knowledge, celebrating wins and opportunities to network.
Click the "+" icon to post an event to our calendar.
All event submissions are subject to approval by VIATEC and must meet the following criteria:
- Events must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance.
- A contact person with details must be provided.
- On this event listing, include bullet points outlining "What you’ll learn" or "What will be discussed."
- The event must benefit the local tech business sector.
Non-members interested in posting an event should contact tectoria@viatec.ca
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