Compensation, Benefits & Perks (November CEO Breakfast Club)

Compensation, Benefits & Perks (November CEO Breakfast Club)
Friday, November 3, 2023 (7:30 AM - 9:00 AM) (PDT)
Being competitive in the tech marketplace starts with a Base compensation, benefits and perks. We’ll be sharing stats, trends, and metrics and some of the best ways to succeed in today’s tech environment. Are you truly competitive? Is there something missing from your total compensation plan? Learn from the following presenters:
Jim Balcom | CEO | Redlen Technologies ( | (
Meghan Nichol | Director of People and Culture | Redlen Technologies ( | (
Laura Gale | CEO of White & Gale ( | (
Jordan Armstrong | Managing Partner | Vantage Corporate Benefits Advisory ( | (
Shawn Perryman | Managing Partner | Vantage Corporate Benefits Advisory ( | (
Individual presentations will be followed by a group Q&A and discussion.
For more information on joining VIATEC Peer Roundtables, or to attend this session in person or over Zoom, please contact Rob Bennett by e-mail at
Victoria, BC
For more information on joining VIATEC Peer Roundtables, or to attend this session in person or over Zoom, please contact Rob Bennett by e-mail at
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