Food Bank Challenge 2023

Food Bank Challenge 2023
5/8/2023 - 6/2/2023
“Fight Hunger in Victoria! The recent fire at the Mustard Seed Food Bank has left them in urgent need of support. That's why we're launching the VIATEC Food Bank Challenge on Monday, May 8, 2023. We're calling on companies like yours to join us in making a difference in the lives of those in need!
Whether you donate online or get creative with fundraising events, every dollar counts. Plus, we're encouraging companies to challenge each other to see who can raise the most - it's great for team building and community spirit.
Join us in this great time of need and show Victoria how tech companies can work together to create positive change. Head to to register your team NOW, or contact us at
#VIATECFoodBankChallenge @mustardseedvic”
Events are a key way for VIATEC to support our members—by sharing knowledge, celebrating wins and opportunities to network.
Click the "+" icon to post an event to our calendar.
All event submissions are subject to approval by VIATEC and must meet the following criteria:
- Events must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance.
- A contact person with details must be provided.
- On this event listing, include bullet points outlining "What you’ll learn" or "What will be discussed."
- The event must benefit the local tech business sector.
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