Polyglot Victoria Unconference

Polyglot Victoria Unconference
Saturday, August 6, 2022 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (PDT)
Join us for the first Polyglot Victoria Unconference, a multi-disiplinary multi-language conference, orbiting around software development, deployment, testing and maintenance.
This is a participant-driven conference. Participants propose conference topics ahead of time, facilitated as talks, discussions, panels, fishbowls, and more. There is an emphasis on spontaneous learning and sharing that differs from traditional conference formats. It's an experience like no other.
Ticket price includes food and drinks throughout the day, a t-shirt, and swag. All for just $10!
This is an in-person event that will also be streamed live on Zoom, with a moderator to take questions from the online audience.
Visit https://www.polyglotvictoria.ca for more information and to register.
Generously supported by VIATEC, Super Good, and Certn.
$10 for in-person event - includes lunch, food and drink throughout the day, a t-shirt, and swag!
Free for online attendees.
Events are a key way for VIATEC to support our members—by sharing knowledge, celebrating wins and opportunities to network.
Click the "+" icon to post an event to our calendar.
All event submissions are subject to approval by VIATEC and must meet the following criteria:
- Events must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance.
- A contact person with details must be provided.
- On this event listing, include bullet points outlining "What you’ll learn" or "What will be discussed."
- The event must benefit the local tech business sector.
Non-members interested in posting an event should contact tectoria@viatec.ca
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