Scale your advertising with Ads Manager

Scale your advertising with Ads Manager
Friday, February 10, 2023 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (PST)
This free session is taught by Certified Meta Lead Trainer, Amanda Robinson - Founder & CEO of The Digital Gal Inc.
Scale your advertising with Ads Manager
What makes Ads Manager such a useful tool for small businesses? Ads Manager is where you’ll all start when you’re ready to go beyond the boost button and run ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or Audience Network. It’s a comprehensive tool which enables you to create ads, manage when and where they run, and tracks how well your campaigns perform. While boosting a post is still considered an ad, ads that are created through Ads Manager offer more advanced customization solutions. There are many advertising objectives to help you reach your specific business goals and the audiences you care about most.
In this free training, you will learn:
• What is Ads Manager?
• Choose your campaign objective
• Define your audience
• Which ad format should you use?
• Measure your result
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