Western Angel Investment Summit: Challenging Times - Creating Opportunities

Western Angel Investment Summit: Challenging Times - Creating Opportunities
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Join us for 2 days of fun, networking, socializing, company pitches, speakers and panelists. And don't forget to book your room at this world class venue at the special summit rate!
Schedule and presenting companies TBD.
Early bird pricing is in effect until December 31, 2022. Please note that socials ARE INCLUDED in the general ticket.
Venue: Oak Bay Beach Hotel - Victoria
Do not forget to book your room so you have time to enjoy the seaside mineral baths .....) at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel at the special Summit rate of $219 per night (plus taxes etc.)! Call 1-800-668-7758, or e-mail stay@oakbaybeachhotel.com and mention you are part of the Western Angel Investment Summit to qualify.
CIN / VIATEC Member/ Angel Forum Member: $249
Non Member: $399
Socials only - Feb. 23 AND Feb. 24: $75
Social - Feb. 23 OR Feb. 24: $50
Events are a key way for VIATEC to support our members—by sharing knowledge, celebrating wins and opportunities to network.
Click the "+" icon to post an event to our calendar.
All event submissions are subject to approval by VIATEC and must meet the following criteria:
- Events must be submitted at least 3 weeks in advance.
- A contact person with details must be provided.
- On this event listing, include bullet points outlining "What you’ll learn" or "What will be discussed."
- The event must benefit the local tech business sector.
Non-members interested in posting an event should contact tectoria@viatec.ca
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