Why Having a Compensation Philosophy is Critical for Tech Companies in Today’s Volatile Market

Why Having a Compensation Philosophy is Critical for Tech Companies in Today’s Volatile Market
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM) (PST)
The tech industry has experienced huge swings, from unprecedented growth, to the Great Resignation, to recessionary pressures—all within a very short period of time. Companies have gone from jockeying to keep up with pay pressure, to scrambling to ensure their pay programs can weather an economic downturn.
In this session, compensation strategist Annika Reinhardt will share how good data, combined with a well-defined compensation philosophy can act as a north star as you make decisions and develop compensation practices, in times of market stability and volatility. She’ll also discuss how outlining and communicating the way you value and reward your teams can promote engagement, transparency, and clarity in good times and challenging ones. We’ll explore why data is important, how a compensation philosophy is structured, how to define your pay policy, and what elements outside of salaries you might want to consider. You’ll walk away with useful resources to create (or refine!) a powerful philosophy for your organization.
Register here: https://www.tapnetwork.ca/events/why-having-a-compensation-philosophy-is-critical-for-tech-companies-in-todays-volatile-market
Tuesday, March 7th, 9am - 10:30am (PST)
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