2021 "Ready to Rocket" Call for Nominations

2021 "Ready to Rocket" Call for Nominations
Have a "hot" growth company in the technology sector you want the world to hear about? Nominate them to BC's 19th Annual "Ready to Rocket" list.
Rocket Builders is Seeking Nominations for the 2021 "Ready to Rocket" and "Emerging Rockets" Lists. This recognition program will showcase companies in ICT, Digital Health, Life Science and CleanTech sectors and will be presented March 23rd 2021. Rocket Builders is joined by CBRE, Garibaldi Capital, Go Recruitment, McMillan LLP, the City of New Westminster and PwC in welcoming new nominations.
BC is home to many of Canada's most exciting technology companies. Rocket Builders has built a unique methodology for analyzing market trends and using this knowledge to predict revenue growth in the coming year. Each year Rocket Builders publishes lists which profile the BC companies that have the greatest potential in the coming year.
The "Ready to Rocket" Lists feature top technology companies that are best positioned to capitalize on the largest growth trends in the technology industry. This upcoming list will be the 19th year of this recognition list. In a pandemic year, the patterns for success are very different - some technology areas have had accelerated growth (what we call a “pandemic surge”), while others have had a pause followed by an adaptation period to adjust their focus or business model to return to their previous growth trajectory. Some technology companies are on an extended pause but have indications of pent-up demand that will result in a significant post-pandemic surge. All of these scenarios provide opportunities for great success stories that are consistent with the history of this list.
We are seeking nominations for the 2021 "Ready to Rocket" lists that we will present on March 23rd, 2021. The nomination deadline is March 2nd, 2021, but submission as soon as possible will allow the selection committee more time to consider your nomination. At the same time, we are accepting “Emerging Rockets” nominations for startup companies just entering the market at an early stage.
Nominate Now! (http://www.readytorocket.com/
What are we looking for in "Ready to Rocket" companies?
CleanTech Ready to Rocket List
To qualify for nomination, a company must be beyond the proof of concept stage - customer validation, scalable demonstration project, and established industry relationships.
The selection committee is looking for companies that have the potential for 50% to 100% growth in the coming year, and are in a good position to leverage industry trends or key industry partnerships.
CleanTech includes Renewable Energy (wind power, solar power, biomass, hydropower, biofuels), Green Transportation, Electric Motors, Green Chemistry, Lighting, Environmental Protection (air, water, soil) and any innovation that improves energy efficiency.
Life Sciences Ready to Rocket List
To qualify, a company must be entering a breakthrough stage in their maturity - customer validation, regulatory approval, and established industry relationships.
The selection committee is looking for early indicators of long-term potential and increasing shareholder value, such as passing key regulatory hurdles and achieving related validation steps.
Life Sciences Technology includes Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Healthcare Information Technology and other innovations improving health.
Digital Health Ready to Rocket List
To qualify for nomination, a company must have more than $500K in revenue and a growing base of customers.
The selection committee is looking for companies that have the potential for 50% to 100% growth in the coming year, and are in a good position to leverage industry trends or key industry partnerships.
Digital health technology is disrupting everything from how patients access and receive healthcare services to how healthcare providers store and share electronic health records to how individuals monitor their health and wellness. Digital Health includes medical health record management, corporate wellness, personal health and wellness applications and wearables.
ICT Ready to Rocket List
To qualify for nomination, a company must have more than $500K in revenue and a growing base of customers.
The selection committee is looking for companies that have the potential for 50% to 100% growth in the coming year, and are in a good position to leverage industry trends or key industry partnerships.
ICT includes Information, Communications, Wireless, New Media and Internet technologies.
Agri-Food Tech Ready to Rocket List
To qualify for nomination, a company must have more than $500K in technology product revenue and a growing base of customers.
The selection committee is looking for companies that have the potential for 50% to 100% growth in the coming year, and are in a good position to leverage industry trends or key industry partnerships.
Nominations can be submitted online at: http://www.readytorocket.com/
Please nominate a company even if the company is "too early" to qualify as Rocket Builders also recognizes emerging companies. Many promising companies are too early in commercialization, too early in first revenues, or in the transition to new markets or business models. Based on the potential of their technology alone, Rocket Builders recognizes their potential in an "Emerging Rockets" list. These companies represent companies to watch over the next few years and are likely to mature into "Ready to Rocket" companies.
About the Rocket Recognition Program
The Rocket Recognition Program features two branded lists of companies. The "Ready to Rocket" list profiles information technology companies with the greatest potential for revenue growth in the coming year. The "Emerging Rockets" list profiles technology companies from multiple technology sectors with great potential for investment and market breakthroughs in the coming year. Both lists are predictive of future success making them unique in approach and unique in value for our business audience. "Ready to Rocket" and "Emerging Rockets: are trademarks of Rocket Builders, a respected management consulting firm servicing the technology industry.
About Rocket Builders
Rocket Builders is a management consulting firm providing sales and marketing services. With a focus on helping technology companies to grow and prosper, Rocket Builders has a proven track record of success with its clients. Since 2000, we have been engaged in market research, market planning, business development initiatives, strategic selling, and product launches for over 500 organizations. In our long history, we have always been committed to community service related to the technology industry.
Additional Info
Media Contact : Reg Nordman, rnordman@rocketbuilders.com
Source : http://www.rocketbuilders.com