A Great New Program to Finance Your Innovative Scale-Up

A Great New Program to Finance Your Innovative Scale-Up
Are you an innovative company looking to expand both domestically and internationally? There is a great new program offered by PacificCan to help businesses scale up with reimbursable, interest-free financing: the Business Scale-up and Productivity program.
Between November 23, 2022 and January 31, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. PST, PacifiCan will seek expressions of interest from incorporated enterprises having staffed operating facilities in British Columbia.
This advantageous initiative can push your business to grow in so many ways:
- enter or grow in international markets
- demonstrate and commercialize new technologies
- improve productivity
- scale up and expand
The newly established federal agency for British Columbians' economic growth, PacifiCan, offers services from eight locations throughout the province and from Ottawa. In the near future, they will also be opening a new headquarters in Surrey. The goal is for all British Columbians to enjoy sustained prosperity.