AML Oceanographic’s MVP200 Selected for New State-of-the-Art Swedish Research Vessel
AML Oceanographic’s MVP200 Selected for New State-of-the-Art Swedish Research Vessel
Local ocean tech company AML Oceanographic is pleased to announce that a Moving Vessel Profiler is being installed on one of the most modern research vessels in the world, the Swedish vessel “RV Svea.” The newbuild Swedish vessel, owned by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), will be used by the university and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) for a wide variety of environmental surveys, from monitoring ocean acidification to assessing fish stock.
By including a Moving Vessel Profiler (MVP) on their new vessel, the scientists expect to gain a clearer understanding of the oceanographic dynamics encountered in the Baltic Sea, such as strong halocline layers and anoxic waters. Furthermore, the high data density that MVP can provide will improve the data quality from the many hydroacoustic measurements conducted on RV Svea and make SMHI’s oceanographic models substantially more accurate. The MVP200 will collect CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Chlorophyll A data continuously and in real-time while the vessel travels at 10-11 knots.
“Until now we have only been collecting profile data from the water column by conducting traditional CTD casts where you need to stop the vessel to make a cast. Ship time is very expensive, and the vessels are often on a tight schedule. On top of that, the staff is already busy and doesn’t have a lot of time for extra work. So it is not easy to collect several extra CTD-profiles during a cruise. However, with a MVP200 we expect to be able to significantly increase the number of profiles without adding cruise time or extra work,” explained Daniel Bergman Sjostrand, Oceanographic Engineer at SMHI.
AML Oceanographic provides ocean sensing solutions for hydrographic, environmental, and research applications. Headquartered in Sidney, BC, the company has clocked an average annual growth of 20% over the past 8 years and added footholds in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and Aberdeen in the UK. Due to strong demand for MVP, AML has expanded their Nova Scotia operations and relocated to a new customised production facility to accommodate a higher volume of builds. Learn more about AML at