Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors for VIATEC’s 2021 AGM

Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors for VIATEC’s 2021 AGM
Thank you for your interest in serving on VIATEC's Board of Directors! VIATEC is fortunate to have an active and involved membership and to see this reflected in our 14 board seats. Ten seats on the board are reserved for Technology company representatives and each year 7 Directors are up for re-election. Plus, any Directors that have served their full 3 year term (6 years). This year 8 Directors will be required.
VIATEC is committed to enhancing equity and diversity in our local tech sector and committed to creating an inclusive environment for all members and employees. We celebrate diversity and encourage members that reflect this priority to express interest in becoming a board member.
Please review the expected commitment of VIATEC Board Members:
To serve as a Director of VIATEC, a person must:
1. Be a VIATEC member in good standing;
2. Be at least 18 years of age;
3. Be the only candidate from the member company standing for election;
4. In order for a person to be elected to the Board they must, at the time of their election, have been, or be representing an entity that has been, an active member of VIATEC for at least the past 12 months and maintain an active membership throughout their term of office.
5. In order for a person running under an Individual Membership to be elected to the Board, they must, at the time of their election, have had an active membership for at least the past 12 months and maintain an active membership throughout their term of office.
6. Review all materials sent out in advance of monthly Board meetings and attend meetings as often as possible (75% attendance required);
7. Participate in the annual strategic planning process;
8. May or may not participate in at least one Board committee (75% attendance required):
a. Finance & Audit
b. Governance
9. VIATEC Board members are required to regularly participate within the Greater Victoria tech community by utilizing their professional networks to help the organization stay apprised of current events, trends and sentiment as well as regularly attend VIATEC events and, when relevant, participate in VIATEC's programs.
Signed Directors Resolutions on criteria and board policy as a Board of Director.
As a candidate, please follow this link to complete the nomination form. Nominations close Sept. 3, 2021 at 3 pm. - NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED
All candidates will be contacted prior to the AGM for an in person or Zoom interview. Please note: all of your answers may be made available to the public. Once your nomination form is submitted and you have been vetted, your name will appear on the voting ballot when the electronic voting opens. At this stage NO alterations can be made, thank you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email our CEO, Dan Gunn at
VIATEC’s AGM will be held September 23, 2021, at Fort Tectoria – 777 Fort Street. Please register here, networking to follow.
Our official AGM notice has been posted on the website as of August 24, 2021
Schedule A
The Directors Resolutions pertaining to the qualifications and criteria for a board of Director are below
A. The board of directors of VIATEC (the “Board”) considers it to be in the best interest of the society to adopt a policy concerning the criteria for eligibility for the nomination and election of directors, in the form attached to this resolution as Schedule “A” (the “Policy”); and
B. the proposed Policy is not inconsistent with the bylaws of VIATEC.
1. The Policy, in the form attached to this resolution as Schedule “A”, be and is hereby adopted and approved.
2. Any one director or officer of VIATEC is hereby authorized and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute and deliver all such other documents as in such director or officer’s opinion may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the intent of these resolutions.
Schedule A
To serve as a Director of VIATEC, a person must:
1. Be a VIATEC member in good standing;
2. Be at least 18 years of age;
3. Be the only candidate from the member company standing for election;
4. In order for a person to be elected to the Board they must, at the time of their election, have been, or be representing an entity that has been, an active member of VIATEC for at least the past 12 months and maintain an active membership throughout their term of office.
5. In order for a person running under an Individual Membership to be elected to the Board, they must, at the time of their election, have had an active membership for at least the past 12 months and maintain an active membership throughout their term of office.
6. Review all materials sent out in advance of monthly Board meetings and attend meetings as often as possible (75% attendance required);
7. Participate in the annual strategic planning process;
8. May or may not participate in at least one Board committee (75% attendance required):
a. Finance & Audit
b. Governance
9. VIATEC Board members are required to regularly participate within the Greater Victoria tech community by utilizing their professional networks to help the organization stay apprised of current events, trends and sentiment as well as regularly attend VIATEC events and, when relevant, participate in VIATEC's programs.
Effective Date: July 20 , 2021