MarineLabs to Power Three Projects in B.C. with Predictive Coastal Intelligence Toolkit

MarineLabs to Power Three Projects in B.C. with Predictive Coastal Intelligence Toolkit
Victoria’s MarineLabs raised this year a $4.5 million seed funding round, marking the largest investment of its kind in Canadian history for an ocean tech company.
Victoria’s MarineLabs raised this year a $4.5 million seed funding round, marking the largest investment of its kind in Canadian history for an ocean tech company.
Following that the firm launched Forecast AI, an addition to MarineLabs’ flagship product, CoastAware, a real-time weather intelligence solution that enhances safety and efficiency in maritime operations and bolsters the resilience of coastlines.
Now MarineLabs is utilizing its AI-driven marine weather data platform as part of three new innovation projects.
The projects, funded through the Province’s Integrated Marketplace program powered by Innovate BC, aim to improve productivity and enhance the safety of operations at the Port of Vancouver and the Port of Prince Rupert.
“Through the Integrated Marketplace program, we’re helping B.C. based companies scale up their technology solutions to strengthen our economy and make life better for people, while helping them improve their productivity and competitiveness,” stated Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development, and Innovation.
Each project showcases a distinct application of MarineLabs’ real-time and predictive coastal intelligence delivered throughCoastAware.
“These projects are a great example of how local innovation can strengthen the productivity and competitiveness of the province’s most significant sectors while also making industry operations safer,” stated Peter Cowan, CEO of Innovate BC.
Headquartered in Nanaimo, the Vancouver Island Ferry Company is utilizing CoastAware to optimize the Hullo Ferry passenger service between Vancouver and Nanaimo. By leveraging wave, wind, and coastal data collected along the ferry route via new sensors, VIFC can make more informed scheduling decisions, improving the reliability of service.
“This partnership [with MarineLabs] has made us a leader in utilizing real-time weather data to increase our reliability and understanding of weather patterns on our operating routes,” said Sean Poole, Chief Operating Officer at VIFC. “This has greatly improved our operational efficiency and the safety of our crew and passengers.”
Meanwhile, producer and distributor AltaGas is developing plans for a new export terminal located within the Port of Prince Rupert testbed overseen by the Prince Rupert Port Authority. Using historical data accessed through CoastAware, AltaGas is optimizing engineering decisions to ensure the construction and design of the proposed facility is safer and more cost effective.
“[The] CoastAware platform harnesses the power of a network of sensor nodes and AI-driven modelling to create real-time forecast data,” says federal minister Harjit Sajjan. “By having access to hyper-localized wind and wave forecasts, users can take more informed, and safer, approaches to their operations.”
Finally, the Pacific Pilotage Authority is harnessing CoastAware to make more accurate decisions on scheduling marine pilots for embarking and disembarking vessels.
“The real-time data available to the PPA through CoastAware has greatly enhanced the safety of our operations,” stated Pacific Pilotage Authority chief John Wilson. “Timely information on actual environmental conditions allows for better decision-making to ensure optimal timing of ship movements and efficient ship manoeuvring.”
This announcement is part of government investment into PacifiCan and follows the recent announcement of new self-driving robotic pods being tested at Vancouver International Airport.
“Our regional maritime operators, who navigate and build infrastructure in some of the world’s most challenging conditions, set a global standard for maritime safety,” stated Scott Beatty, CEO of MarineLabs. “Given the complex and extreme nature of the B.C. coast, these case-study demonstrations of our technologies are a launch pad for our expansion into international markets that will help us in our mission to protect the world’s coastlines.”
Created to help drive innovation in the province, the Integrated Marketplace links strategic partners operating at testbeds like the Port of Vancouver to B.C.-based solution providers to implement, scale, and export B.C. technology solutions.
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