Reynolds Robotics Team Taking on the World in Texas

Reynolds Robotics Team Taking on the World in Texas
Spring break is next week, but members of the Reynolds Reybots, the robotics club at Reynolds Secondary, will be hard at work as they start fundraising to send a team to Houston, Texas, to compete in a world championship.
In February, the club won the provincial championship in the FIRST Tech Challenge category in the FIRST Robotics Canadian Regional Competition. The FIRST Tech Challenge is a six-month competition that requires teams to design, build and program an autonomous and driver-operated robot. The annual competition is open to students ages 12 to 18, enrolled in Grades 7 to 12.
If you live near the school, there is a good possibility you will find one of 5,000 colourful flyers in your mailbox promoting a bottle drive slated for April 1.
Members of the club, which include Grade 8 to 12 students, fielded three teams competing in the regional competition.
The winning team, made up of a total of 20 students, teachers and mentors, will represent the school and Vancouver Island at the 2023 FIRST World Championships in Texas in April. FIRST stands for For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology.
“I am excited, but nervous, as I have never flown on a plane before,” said Brianna Davis, 15.
This is her second year in the club, which she joined because it sounded like fun. The Grade 10 student has taken to what goes into robotics and the teamwork involved. She said her parents have supported her new passion.
“It’s all cool until I go ‘full robot technology’ when talking to them,” Brianna said with a laugh.
She is considering further education in mechanical engineering.
Joining her in Houston will be Joel Rider, 14, the team’s drive coach, who is in his first year with the team. His role is to observe the competition and form a winning strategy for the team’s robot.
“It requires both mechanical knowledge and strategy. I like the role because it is a bit of both,” said Joel, who is in Grade 9. “I am nervous because there are approximately 40 to 60 teams in each division — and there are four divisions in the competition.”
It will cost about $40,000 in travel and accommodation for the whole team to go to Houston. A GoFundMe page, with a goal of $25,000, has been set up (search Reynolds Reybots) to help toward the costs.
For more information on the club, go to
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