Rumble Creator Paul completes Celebration Run and wants others to join

Rumble Creator Paul completes Celebration Run and wants others to join
A 10km run/walk may not sound like much, but Paul was running to celebrate 10 years since he received a life-saving double-lung transplant. In that time, he's battled chronic rejection and reduced lung function - to the point where aerobic activities like running and biking are difficult to sustain.
On Saturday, April 24th, Rumble Supershake creator Paul Underhill completed the 5km run he's been training for since January, then kept going - walking another 5km for a total of 10km. Yeeeaah, Paul!
A 10km run/walk may not sound like much, but Paul was running to celebrate 10 years since he received a life-saving double-lung transplant. In that time, he's battled chronic rejection and reduced lung function - to the point where aerobic activities like running and biking are difficult to sustain.
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, Paul was joined on the run by his partner, Sandra, and a handful of friends, with supporters across the country taking part virtually through a special Strava group.
CTV News Vancouver Island was there on Saturday to capture Paul crossing the finish line. They also asked Paul why this important milestone means so much to him:
If you'd like to show your support for Paul and organ donor registration awareness (PLUS get a 30% discount on Rumble and a chance to win a year's supply!), you have until April 30th to join the Strava group and run or walk 5km.
Don't have Strava? Submit proof of your 5km walk/run through this online form, and we’ll email you back your discount code and enter you in the big draw.
Are you registered to be an organ donor in your province? It only takes a few minutes to check. Click here to find out how.
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