TAP Network’s 2021 Diversity in Tech Dashboard Results

TAP Network’s 2021 Diversity in Tech Dashboard Results
This dashboard will allow the BC tech sector to track its progress on increasing thee representation of certain under-represented groups within the sector over time.
TAP Network is pleased to present the results of the 2021 Diversity in Tech dashboard. Benchmarking data on the representation of various demographic groups within the BC tech sector is one stream within TAP Network's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Project. This dashboard will allow the BC tech sector to track its progress on increasing thee representation of certain under-represented groups within the sector over time.
Data on the diversity of the current BC employee population was collected by TAP Network members through a confidential employee self-reporting process. This data was then reported to Mercer on a confidential basis through the association's annual salary survey.
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Source : https://diversity.tapnetwork.ca/diversity-tech-dashboard-2021?fbclid=IwAR1-NX2z5i0X0gsRVQVASf-EB4lFEN2CTb2EYZTH2vPAARFvyCze7PmQrvY