The Victoria physicist predicting the future of the pandemic

The Victoria physicist predicting the future of the pandemic
Dr. Dean Karlen has thus far accurately predicted which way the pandemic will go.
Source: The Capital Daily
Author: Brishti Basu
Many British Columbians were shocked when the provincial government extended its restrictions “indefinitely” on Friday. But not Dr. Dean Karlen.
Karlen, a UVic particle physicist, has directed his laser focus from the atomic-scale problems of neutrinos and electron accelerators to the comparatively gigantic world of viruses: specifically, predicting the course that the COVID-19 pandemic will take. And he's very good at it—a review submitted regularly to the CDC in the US has found him to be among the most accurate of any predictors including tech giants like Google.
Working with only publicly available data, Karlen has managed to be right about the pandemic again and again. His secret? Simplicity.
The full story on Capital Daily.
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Media Contact : Brishti Basu
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