These Victoria Founders Support Your Child's Early Years

These Victoria Founders Support Your Child's Early Years
Making learning accessible with Earlybird, an early childhood education app
Sarah Hunter and Renée Jordan built the app they wished they had. The two Victoria mothers found a significant gap in support when it came to their children’s development before the age of five.
“Unlike schooling from K to 12, from zero to five — these early years, as we call them — are totally unregulated,” said Hunter. “Every child has a vastly different experience.”
The two co-founded Earlybird, an early childhood education tech company, merging Jordan’s domain expertise as a curriculum designer and Hunter’s business acumen.
Earlybird began as a web-based activity library using evidence-based materials Jordan developed. But users were looking for more convenience. Taking that feedback into account, the two launched an app thanks to a loan from Vancity, which is now available for both iPhone and Android.
“Many parents [of zero- to five-year-olds] send their kids to daycares and [childcare] centres, but there's no way of knowing what materials they're using, and if they are building foundational skills,” said Hunter. “What we're saying is, ‘If you use our materials, your kids are going to be learning all of the development skills in all of the developmental domains.’”
The app features a developmental milestone tracker, where users can see where their child should be in terms of skills and abilities. Users can check off their progress, and the app can recommend activities or resources that will build the skill, if needed.
Earlybird’s latest feature is “ask an expert”, where users can ask questions about their child’s development. The team will relay the question to a professional who will respond over email.
“Telemedicine has really taken off, but there really isn't anything for these other experts, like occupational therapy, speech therapists, play therapists, and pediatricians,” said Hunter. “So we'll see what the reception is there.”
Earlybird has bootstrapped its growth to date and is looking for angel investment to accelerate its expansion, including new features. The app has about 1,300 downloads and a five percent conversion rate from free to premium users, in comparison to the app store’s average of one to two percent.
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Media Contact : Allison Gacad
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