How and Why Virtual Companies Sell for More Money

How and Why Virtual Companies Sell for More Money
Tuesday, March 30, 2021 (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM) (PDT)
Wondering about the advantages of starting, owning and selling a 100% virtual business? We're welcoming David Rowat back to Tectoria to share his research, which is more relevant than ever in the age of Covid-19. Learn how and why how virtual companies sell for more money (and the founders keep more of it!)
David will share his experience as a Partner at Strategic Exits Corp, and the findings of his recent Harvard Business School (HSB) case study. The HBS style is to identify a manager who needs to make an executive decision and write a study encapsulating the challenge.
In this case, David worked with a virtual real estate brokerage which exactly exhibited the advantages of being virtual, and a bricks-and-mortar competitor who did not perform as well. David's presentation covers the workplace changes in the Covid-19 world and also drills deeper into the financial aspects, including how virtual companies sell for more money (and the founders keep more of it!)
About David W. Rowat B.A.Sc.
– University of Waterloo M.A.Sc.
– Harvard Business School 30 years C-level experience with technology companies Worked with over 70 tech companies in Vancouver variously as CEO, CFO, COO, employee, consultant, etc. Partner, Strategic Exits Corp.

Unit 63 - 560 Johnson St
Victoria, BC V8W 3C6 Canada
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